Customer Testimonials

Joanne O.

“Hats off to this company and their employees, Travis, Max, Dan, and secretary, Bea.

I went into their showroom and was shown different garage doors and, remote openers. Travis, came out to my home and gave the estimate.

This am Max and Dan arrived with my new door and completed the installation in 1 and 1/2 hours. These two men were amazing as they worked. There was no difficulty whatsoever. Max gave me a tutorial on site and made sure I knew how everything worked.

You cannot go wrong using this company.”

John S.

“Travis is the man. Very pleasant, fast and efficient. Thank You Olympic Garage Door and Travis.”

Allen B.

“Fast, professional, thorough. I will use this company again.”

Melissa E.

“Called to ask some preliminary questions and Travis was SUPER helpful and great at explaining things to me. Thank you!”

Charita J.

“I am very happy to use garage door Olympic there are really amazing and wonderful service ever. I thought they are professional then other company it is beautiful for me. Great!”

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